Tu pregunta: Are there multiple versions of the Count of Monte Cristo?

Which is the original Count of Monte Cristo book?

The Count of Monte Cristo (French: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo) is an adventure novel written by French author Alexandre Dumas (père) completed in 1844.

The Count of Monte Cristo.

Author Alexandre Dumas in collaboration with Auguste Maquet
Country France
Language French
Genre Historical novel Adventure
Publication date 1844–1846 (serialised)

How long is the unabridged version of Count of Monte Cristo?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9782491251437
Publication date: 07/29/2020
Pages: 884
Sales rank: 155,366
Product dimensions: 5.83(w) x 8.27(h) x 1.96(d)

Should I read The Count of Monte Cristo?

For anyone out there that hasn’t read the book yet and likes adventure and historical fiction, this is a must read, it’s a great book that just flows when reading it, totally recommend it.

Is Albert the son of Edmond Dantes?

In Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo, Albert de Morcerf is son to Fernand Mondego—the Count de Morcerf—and Mercédès, who was Edmond Dantès’ former sweetheart. … Albert sends a letter to Franz with instructions on how to free him.

Who does Edmond Dantes end up with?

But the most interesting thing about it is that Dantes ends up with Mercedes in the end. Haydee is left out entirely and Albert turns out to be the son of Dantes, conceived before he was imprisoned. And I kind of liked that ending.

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Why is The Count of Monte Cristo a classic?

Firstly, The Count of Monte Cristo is considered a great adventure story, much like Treasure Island. It features exotic locales and suspenseful action. No matter what era you’re living in, a good adventure yarn is always fun. Secondly, the story deals with universal themes: vengeance and love.

Are Duke Classics Abridged?

They are abridged, simplified, and—of course—illustrated to make them more approachable. There are 66 $8 hardcovers in this collection. … There are 36 hardcovers in this collection (three times the size of the Puffin Classics selection), each costing $10.

What happens to Mercedes in The Count of Monte Cristo?

Mercédès remains miserable for the rest of her life, despising herself for her weakness and longing for Dantès, whom she has never stopped loving. … At the end of the novel, Mercédès is left with nothing to live for, aside from the hope that Albert might somehow improve his own life.
