Where is religion banned?

Which country has no religion?

According to sociologist Phil Zuckerman, broad estimates of those who have an absence of belief in a god range from 500 to 750 million people worldwide.

By population as of 2004.

Country People without religion
Dominican Republic 618,380
Singapore 566,020

Which religion is banned in China?

Religions that are not permitted to exist in China like the Falun Gong or Jehovah’s witnesses are not protected by the constitution. Religious groups that are not registered by the government, like Catholics who are part of an underground church or protestant house churches, are not protected by the constitution.

Is religion banned in Cuba?

The constitution provides for freedom of conscience and religion and prohibits discrimination based on religion; however, the Cuban Communist Party, through its Office of Religious Affairs (ORA) and the government’s Ministry of Justice (MOJ), continued to control most aspects of religious life.

Which religion is best in the world?

The most popular religion is Christianity, followed by an estimated 33% of people, and Islam, which is practiced by over 24% of people. Other religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Which country has only one religion?

Countries that have an official religion, such as Iran or the United Kingdom, confer an official and legal status to one faith group, often granting that group benefits not available to other religions.

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What is China main religion?

China is a country with a great diversity of religious beliefs. The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. Citizens of China may freely choose and express their religious beliefs, and make clear their religious affiliations.

Do Chinese believe in God?

China has the world’s greatest irreligious population, and the Chinese government and the ruling Communist Party of China is officially atheist. Despite limitations on certain forms of religious expression and assembly, religion is not banned, and religious freedom is nominally protected under the Chinese constitution.

Is Islam syncretic?

Islam and West Asian religions

The Islamic mystical tradition known as Sufism appears somewhat syncretic in nature in its origins, but it is rejected by many other modern scholars. … During Sufi presence in Bengal, Muslim–Hindu syncretism was a general trend, and Nabibangsha by Syed Sultan is an example of it.

Is Christianity the youngest religion?

Started by Mohammed the prophet in about 622BC, that means the religion is about 1,389 years old. It is the youngest of the five religions. When did Islam start and by whom? Christianity is 1,980 years old and was started by Jesus Christ.

Who started religion?

Ancient (before AD 500)

Founder Name Religious tradition founded Ethnicity
Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism Indian
Confucius Confucianism Chinese
Pythagoras Pythagoreanism Samian
Mozi Mohism Chinese