Cómo hacer oraciones con going to negativas?

¿Cómo hacer una oracion negativa con going to?

20 oraciones con Going to negativas

  1. She is not going to buy a new cellphone.
  2. I am not going to look for something to eat.
  3. It is not going to rain.
  4. I think I am not going to be sick.
  5. Things are not going to get worse.
  6. We are not going to travel by plane.
  7. Peter is not going to do the exam.
  8. He is not going to cross the road.

¿Cómo hacer oraciones con el going to?

Ejemplos sin contracción:

  1. I am going to see you tomorrow. …
  2. He is going to visit her next week. …
  3. They are going to eat out tonight. …
  4. She is going to leave for Europe on Monday. …
  5. She is going to wait me after the show. …
  6. I am going to get up early tomorrow. …
  7. It is going to rain today. …
  8. You are going to study to be a lawyer.

¿Cómo formamos oraciones afirmativas negativas e interrogativas con going to?

Going to

  • Afirmativo: I’m going to watch a movie tonight. (Voy a ver una película esta noche). …
  • Negativo: She’s not going to cook for you. (Ella no va a cocinar para ti). …
  • Interrogativo: Are you going to use the bathroom? (¿Tú vas a usar el baño?) Is he going to call me later? (¿Él me va a llamar más tarde?)
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¿Cómo conjugar going to?

Presente del verbo “to be” + sujeto + not + going +to + verbo en infinitivo +… ?

Ejemplo:AfirmativoNegativoAre we going to do?Are we not going to do?Aren’t we going to do?Are you going to do?Are you not going to do?Aren’t you going to do?Are they going to do?Are they not going to do?Aren’t they going to do?Ещё 5 строк

¿Cómo hacer una pregunta con going to?


  1. Is he going to visit her next week? …
  2. What is she going to do on Sunday? …
  3. When are you going to clean your bedroom? …
  4. Are they going to eat out tonight? …
  5. When is she going to iron her clothes? …
  6. What are you going to do tomorrow? …
  7. Is she going to leave for Europe on Monday? …
  8. Is she going to wait me after the show?

¿Qué significa going to y para qué se utiliza?

Going to se utiliza para expresar planes o hechos contundentes a futuro. En español traducimos esta forma del futuro conjugado con el verbo ir en futuro como auxiliar.

¿Qué es going to estructura?

Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + “not” + “going to” + verbo principal. Ejemplos: I am not going to call you tonight. (No voy a llamarte esta noche.)

¿Cómo hacer un texto con going to?

On my next holiday, I’m going to Thailand. I’m going to buy my plane tickets tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I’m going to fly into Bangkok on the 5th of April, and I’m going to stay in a hotel in the city center. I’m going to visit all the important sights, and I’m going to spend some time at the beach.

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