What is the real religion in the world?

Which is the best religion in the world?

The most popular religion is Christianity, followed by an estimated 33% of people, and Islam, which is practiced by over 24% of people. Other religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism.

What is the active religion in the world?

Christianity (2.1 billion) Islam (1.3 billion) Nonreligious (Secular/Agnostic/Atheist) (1.1 billion)

Which religion is growing fastest?

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. In 1990, 1.1 billion people were Muslims, while in 2010, 1.6 billion people were Muslims.

Which religion is the most powerful?

Largest religious groups

Religion Followers (billions) Cultural tradition
Christianity 2.4 Abrahamic religions
Islam 1.9 Abrahamic religions
Hinduism 1.2 Indian religions
Buddhism 0.5 Indian religions

Who is the oldest known God?

In ancient Egyptian Atenism, possibly the earliest recorded monotheistic religion, this deity was called Aten and proclaimed to be the one “true” Supreme Being and creator of the universe. In the Hebrew Bible, the titles of God include Elohim (God), Adonai (Lord) and others, and the name YHWH (Hebrew: יהוה‎).

Who invented religion?

Ancient (before AD 500)

Founder Name Religious tradition founded Ethnicity
Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism Indian
Confucius Confucianism Chinese
Pythagoras Pythagoreanism Samian
Mozi Mohism Chinese

Which religion is most intelligent?

A 2016 Pew Center global study on religion and education around the world ranked Jews as the most educated (13.4 years of schooling) followed by Christians (9.3 years of schooling).

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Which religion is most persecuted?

As of 2019, Hindus are 99% “likely to live in countries where their groups experience harassment”, and as per this definition – in conjunction with the Jewish community – the most persecuted religious group in the world.

Why did Islam spread so quickly?

The religion of Islam spread rapidly in the 7th century. Islam spread quickly because of the military. During this time, on numerous accounts there were military raids. Trade and conflict were also apparent between different empires, all of which resulted in the spreading of Islam.
